About this blog

Clay Cross is a former mining town in North East Derbyshire, UK. In January 2010, work started on a major redevelopment project in the town centre. GMI Property Co. Ltd. have asked me to create a photographic record of the development, and how it changes the landscape, culture and people of the town. This blog is likely to be a diary of my activities over the next year or so.

For more information on the development see the quick links below. I've also created a Set on Flickr, where you will find a selection of the images I produce, and a Clay Cross Flickr group - see the quick links.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Sorry for the absence - big problems with the PC. It's been at the mender's. Does having to download a new RAW CODEC (among other things) mean anything to anybody? Anyway, another visit to the site on Tuesday 15 June after an absence of nearly four weeks sees big progress: a start by DCC on reconstructing the northern end of Bridge Street; a new retaining wall for the A61 link road; Footings in for the new Tesco store, with a start on steelwork expected next week; steel frames in and cladding under way on the small factory units at Lower Mantle Close; most muckshifting now completed. Here's an image looking away from town in Bridge Street, near where Sorrells used to be. More on Flickr.

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