About this blog

Clay Cross is a former mining town in North East Derbyshire, UK. In January 2010, work started on a major redevelopment project in the town centre. GMI Property Co. Ltd. have asked me to create a photographic record of the development, and how it changes the landscape, culture and people of the town. This blog is likely to be a diary of my activities over the next year or so.

For more information on the development see the quick links below. I've also created a Set on Flickr, where you will find a selection of the images I produce, and a Clay Cross Flickr group - see the quick links.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Two projects today. First, watching the demolition of the MSE factory down the end of Bridge Street. I couldn't get too close: too dangerous. But standing in Bridge Street was good enough. The whole thing came down with one JCB in about 4 hours. How many thousands of working days were spent in that building?
Second, some street photography. Saturday is market day, but there are only a dozen or so stalls now, tucked up near the social centre. Arthur, a Clay Cross PS member, was out shopping. He'd been ill, not seen him for a while. He said that John was in town, headed for the Methodist Church centre for a cup of tea. I met him there, with his wife and sisters, for tea and a ginger biscuit. John knows most people. He said he didn't want the social side of Clay Cross life to go with the new development. Popping in and out of shops, meeting people. I said I thought it might.

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